Monday, January 31, 2011

Atlantic City Embracing the Roaring 20's

I stumbled upon this article about bringing back the 20's culture in Atlantic City and found it quite interesting for a variety of reasons. I was first exposed to the culture of this time period by reading The Great Gatsby (one of my favorite books), and was just amazed at the vibrant life-styles that these characters were able to live. From the party's to the clothing to most notably the jazz music and swing dance, it is evident that this period has some incredibly defining characteristics. So, when I happen to come across this article I was immediately intrigued. Basically, to try and refresh many businesses in Atlantic City are going retro. The outfits, music and dances of that time period are becoming incredibly popular once again. The concept treads on the hit HBO show "Boardwalk Empire" which focuses on the 20's in Atlantic City. I find it quite amazing how the music and dance style of this era have has such a lasting impact.

Here is a link to the article:

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting method of urban renewal! The pictures of the dance contest are great.
