Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black Swan

I recently saw the movie Black Swan, and was astonished by the film. The main characters attachment to dance, the concept of physically turning into a swan, and the juxtaposition between the dance and the main characters life was just incredible. Granted, the premise of actually turning into a swan is unrealistic, but the idea of becoming so attached to the art that it becomes you is quite interesting. This movie can serve as an important reminder of how much dance can mean to some people. As a side, I think the dancing in this film is quite wonderful. The movements that the dancers use to serve to tell the timeless tale of the black swan. It always astonishes me the way that dance can tell a story like no other medium. If you haven't seen the film I would definitely recommend it.


  1. I have yet to see this movie, but definitely plan to as soon as I can! I've heard quite a lot about it. The dancers from my old studio saw it together and said it had quite a psychological effect on them. I read an article a while back about how some parts of the movie really hit home for some professional dancers. They said the problem with eating disorders and the idea of perfection and trying to be perfect were problems they deal with in real life, it's not just in the movies. As messed up as Black Swan sounds, I can't wait to see it!

  2. I also haven't seen it yet. I am kind of looking forward to it, although I hear it is also disturbing. Also, one of my closest friends works for Dance Magazine. She didn't like the film because she thought it just depicted a lot of overused stereotypes of ballet dancers, like eating disorders, stage mothers, etc. What do those of you who have seen the film think?

  3. i thought it was interesting after seeing the film i read some articles about it. and a lot of dancers related to the conflicts of perfection and pressure dancers feel. it was also really interesting darron aronofsky the director, said normally when doing a film about a certain community (in this example the dance/ballet community) they are very helpful and lend insight to make the film more accurate. however, he said he found it difficult and almost impossible to find support in even finding a choreographer let alone the extensive support he would have liked. it was interesting to consider maybe the dance community was uncomfortable about opening up such a dark side to such a beautiful art form.
