Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Revelations... Finding Connections to other forms of African American Dance

After reading Alvin Ailey's Revelations article and scouring the Internet for videos of its dance, I've come up with a conclusion. Alvin Ailey's modern dance is similar to Krumping. Call me crazy, but both dances have a very spiritual and religious purpose. While the movements look completely different, their purpose is the same. To invoke some sort of spirits with the dance.

Revelations does however provide audiences and dancers with a historical interpretation of events in African Americans past. Revelations attempts to tell the story of African Americans movement toward freedom during the time of slavery. It calls out to eliminate the current racist style of dance and make way for a brighter more unified future.

Krumping on the other hand calls to the gods to fix their current situation. Krumping seems to be the present day religious dance comparable to Alvin Ailey's. Both dances are spiritual in nature and very interesting.

I really enjoyed reading about Alvin Ailey's article and look forward to discussing it in class today!!

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