Friday, March 25, 2011

Everybody was Kung Fu...Dancing?

During Spring Break, I had the chance to see one of my closest friends and hang out with him for a while. My friend, Shawn, has been interested in the martial arts for several years and has spent time training himself in various areas involved with martial arts. In the time that I've been in Syracuse, Shawn has started training in the area of Kung Fu and has gotten involved in a martial arts academy so he could train with a master. While I was home, Shawn showed me what he was learning and what he could do.
Through the years, Shawn and I have worked together and taught each other different movements and steps that each of us have learned in our two entirely different areas. We've found that by learning dance (for Shawn) and a little Kung Fu (for me) has helped each of us improve in our own area of interest. Both Kung Fu and dance require a large amount of balance, flexibility, sharpness of movements, quick motions, strength, control and a lot of practice in order to succeed. We've also learned that even though dance and Kung Fu are two entirely different things, they can be combined and turned into a unique routine.
Kung Fu involves movements and "steps" that can be related to dance. For example, I see a lot of ballet moves such as leaps, foot positioning and a sense of gracefulness in Kung Fu fighting. Another dance style I can relate to Kung Fu fighting is breakdancing because Kung Fu fighters constantly make moves similar to freezes and push themselves of the ground with force and style similar to that of a breakdancer. It's rather fascinating to compare dance and Kung Fu fighting and see just how similar they are to one another, even though they seem so entirely different. Based on my Spring Break experience, I think dance is important and influential in much more areas than we are aware of.

For this post, I watched and referred to the following video:

What do you all think? Do you see the similarities between dance and Kung Fu? Is there any other dance style you can compare Kung Fu to?

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