Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This somewhat connects to Katie's post about DanceWorks, but I had the opportunity to attend an Orchesis show at a local high school over break. It was very interesting watching the different ability levels of the high schoolers, but they were all having a great time dancing. Many of the numbers were jazz or hip hop based, but there actually were a couple ballet numbers, including pointe shoes. I always find it interesting watching pieces choreographed by young dancers because they are just learning how to and experimenting with choreography and stage techniques. I remember the excitement and nerves I felt the first time I choreographed for my high school dance company-I was so proud to have a piece of my own performed on the stage, yet it was a lot of work teaching the dance to others, creating costumes, and figuring out formations and lighting. It was challenging, but very rewarding as well.

Does anyone else have experience with choreographing or performing while at high school? How did you feel dancing to your peers' choreography rather than a professional's?

1 comment:

  1. I've never myself choreographed a dance but I can only imagine what it must feel like. Not only is there pressure to come up with the dance that well look great but watching is be performed must be just as nerve-wracking as performing it. Just as when any work of that you create it up for criticism by the public, choreography is the same and even more so because you must trust your dancers to do what you have created
