Saturday, April 16, 2011

Starting a Flashmob

I came across this video from a music festival-everyone was hanging around and one guy gets up and starts dancing. All of sudden, another person joins him, and by the end everyone is jumping up and down in a huge group! This reminded me of an informal flash mob. Typically, flash mobs are choreographed for a specific attention/purpose. This video seemed to be everyone dancing purely for fun.

At what point do we consider this dance? Do you think it is a type of flash mob? In the beginning, it seems the guy is different because he is jumping up and down by himself. At what point does it become "cool" to join in and dance with everyone else? How does this work?!

1 comment:

  1. I just posted to the blog a flash mob from a recent episode from this season in Modern Family. I think flash mob's are an excellent way for people to express themselves through dance, especially people who normally wouldn't register in a dance class or who don't have regular dance experience. But , this is a cool and different form of dance expression- I like it!
